Revista CD Expert 37
CD Expert nº 37.iso
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89 lines
* <F4><C3> DIPLOMACY (F7)
+ <F2><C1>
+ You can use diplomacy to talk to other races you have discovered. You
- can discover other races by finding their planets or meeting their
- fleets on the starmap. The options available to you through the
- diplomacy screen depend on your relationship with the other race. If
- you are at war, your choices will be limited compared to those
- available when you are allied, If you are allied with another race,
- their planets and radar range will appear on your Starmap, which is
- very useful for expanding your knowledge of enemy ship movements.
* <Pdiplomacia_kis.bmp>
+ To select the race you want to have discussions with, click on the
- relevant alien portrait displayed on either side of the screen. The
- following options will then be available.
+ <C5>Negotiate<C1>
+ Negotiate trade agreements, offer alliances and declare wars. You can
- also enter different agreements, such as non-aggression pacts.
+ <C5>Talk About<C1>
+ This option allows you to talk about different subjects. You can start
- peace negotiations (if you are in war with someone), threaten or
- insult an empire, or try to improve a relationship.
+ <C5>Offer...for...<C1>
+ This allows you to offer items such as planets, ships or money, in
- exchange for something you want in return. For example, you could
- offer one of your planets in return for a peace treaty.
+ <C5>Demand<C1>
+ This allows you to demand that an alien race surrenders items to you
- unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. This will
- usually only work if you are stronger than the race you are
- threatening but will almost certainly cause your relationship with
- this race to deteriorate.
+ <C5>Offer<C1>
+ This allows you to offer items to the alien race without expecting
- anything material in return. This will normally improve relationships
- with all but the most hardened of alien races.
+ <C5>Special<C1>
+ This enables you so talk to other races relating elements of the
- Storyline.
+ You will need to be careful what you say to other races in the
- Diplomacy screen, as your words may lead to hostile actions from the
- enemy.
* <Pdiplomacy_text.bmp>
+ From time to time, the enemy will try to contact you using Diplomacy.
- If they have sent you a message, their small portrait orb, at either
- side of the screen will flash.